The following clients were tested for contact synchronization (for calendars we recommend using the CalDAV protocol):
You need to enter these data to run synchronization successfully:
- authentication: email address and password
- server URL:
- server resources
Server resources
In the settings of each client, you need to specify which resources (folders, calendars, tasks) will be synchronized (the name of the resources is case-insensitive). Use the following:
- personal: events
- created by user: events/name_of_the_calendar
- global: events/corporate
- calendar shared by domain users: events/shared/name_of_the_shared_calendar
- personal: contacts
- created by user: contacts/name_of_the_address_book
- global: contacts/corporate
- address book shared by domain users: contacts/shared/name_of_the_shared_ address_book
Task lists
- personal: tasks
- created by user: tasks/name_of_the_task_list
- task list shared by domain users: tasks/shared/name_of_the_shared_task_list
It is possible that you will have to set more synchronization options on your device side.
SyncML (LITE) 4
You should use CalDAV protocol for calendar synchronization.
The following procedure is for contacts only.
Run an application and click in top right corner on Preferences button.
Select SyncML Settings.
Add new account
Enter account name and click on the item Server setting
- server address:
- enter user (email address) and password
Leave other options without change as mentioned on the picture
Use button Back to return to account setting and configure contacts synchronization.
Select address books to synchronization in section CONTACTS TO INCLUDE IN SYNC - choose Local address book only.
If you are using eg. cloud address book, uncheck
Local address book only and select appropriate item in Included Addressbooks.

Synthesis SyncML Client for Android
This application is not fully compatible with synchronization server since 7.4.2016.
You should use CalDAV protocol for calendar synchronization.
Server configuration
Contacts synchronization settings
Events synchronization settings
In the synchronization client settings, only the basic parameters were specified: authentication, synchronization server, and server resources for synchronization. These data are sufficient to make the synchronization work.