Connecting remote mailbox

It is possible to connect 4 external email accounts in webmail. Emails of connected mailboxes are displayed in read mode - it means, they are not uploaded into main mailbox and they do not decrease quota of the main mailbox.
Complete structure of the folders of the external account (IMAP) or only INBOX (POP3) is displayed according to the selected protocol (POP3 or IMAP).
Connecting of mailboxPřipojení schránky
To connect the external account, click on the Other tab in the top menu and select the Options item. Click on the Account (@) tab in the left menu and selece External Accounts.
Click on the ADD ACCOUNT button.
Enter the email address and continue with the OK button. Enter the following items.
  • Title – only to identify this account in the list of the external accounts
  • User name – the name displayed before email address
  • Login and password – credentials of the mailbox
  • Server address and Server type – you get these details from the provider of the mailbox (for Gmail, Seznam, Centrum and Tiscali are filled in). We recommend Secure connection (SSL) to improve security.
Save the settings by clicking on the Save link.
Connected external accounts are displayed in the left menu as a new section.
The content of the connected mailbox is displayed after clicking on the tab in right top  above the list of the messages.